
Monday, December 3, 2012

The Beauty Detox Solution

My little sister is really into nutrition and health, she was vegan for a long time, and she kind of got me interested in eating more healthfully, which is saying something, as up until about 3 years ago my diet consisted of Pepsi and Velveeta Shells and Cheese. For her birthday this year, I bought her this book which I'd heard really great things about.

I read through it, and a lot of the things she talks about make a lot of sense. I think I, and a lot of other people, can sometimes fail to see the connection between the things we put into our bodies, and the way we look and feel, but I do believe there is a connection.

I don't think I could ever go fully vegan, cheese is one of my main food groups (right after I wrote that, I saw this, and that's amazing), but I am going to try to eat less meat, and incorporate more vegetables into my diet. I'm going to try using her Light to Heavy eating philosophy and see if I start to feel better and have more energy.

It's really difficult to change habits and beliefs that you've held for most of your life, especially with regards to food and nutrition, but even small, gradual changes are better than nothing, and every little bit helps.

You can find out more about Kimberly and her book here.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I would also love to read this one! I'd like to detox and I mostly do it by taking chlorella supplement. It's really effective for me. So I think this book an also help me with my detox process.
