
Friday, December 28, 2012


Last weekend I attended the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco. It is basically small local businesses that make or design things like clothes, art, cards, jewellery, etc and they all come together to sell it. Many of them have Etsy shops.

It was really neat to see all of the different things that people make, and it made me feel a bit bad about myself that I haven't quite learned how to macrame myself a pair of jean shorts, but mostly it was just very impressive, it was a bit of a contact high being around all of those talented, creative people.

Even though there was tons of beautiful jewellery, I didn't end up buying any, there was almost too many pieces I liked and I couldn't narrow it down to just one.

I did buy this super adorable card, that I might frame and keep by my bed because it makes me happy whenever I look at it.

I bought some gorgeous eyeshadow from Calico, which I didn't need but the colours were so beautiful I wanted to paint my whole body with them.

They give you a "positive thought of the day" if you buy something from them, this was mine.

I bought this charcoal and tea-tree oil soap for the boy, it smells amazing, and I'm sure he won't be surprised to find a lump of "coal" in his stocking.

I haven't decided if he's been naughty or nice

And I also bought this shirt. I literally saw it from across the room and we loved each other immediately. They didn't have it in the style I wanted but I went home and ordered it immediately afterwards, and I am impatiently checking my mailbox every day waiting for the moment we are together again.

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