
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

freshly baked

I get very attached to the characters in books. Like to an alarming degree. Sometimes I feel that I know them better than I know people in real life, and they can be very influential on me and my choices.

I've never made bread before in my life, but I'm reading The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult, in which the main character, Sage, is a baker, and it's really getting to me. I spend an inordinate amount of time online researching bread recipes, and happily daydreaming about making Challah bread, which I'm fairly certain I've never even seen in real life. That's how you know when writing is good, when it is so descriptive and consuming that you actually start to believe you possess the qualities of the character you are inhabiting.

I truly, at this moment, believe that the only thing coming between me and my unassailable destiny of being the greatest bread maker that ever lived, is that fact that I've never tried to make bread.

So, I decided to try it.

I decided to use this recipe, it is called Best Bread Ever, and I mean, I'm obviously not going to settle for anything less than that.


my kitchen smelled amazing as soon as I started mixing the ingredients

I loved how soft it was after it finished rising

my 10 pm supper

This bread was soooo good, I will definitely be making it again. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, if you're me) the rising and baking took longer than I thought, so by the time supper was ready, Derek was already in bed and I had no choice but to eat my freshly baked bread and delicious cheese by myself.

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