
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I have loved the poetry of Sara Teasdale for years. Here are a few of my favourites.


If I should see your eyes again,
I know how far their look would go --
Back to a morning in the park
With sapphire shadows on the snow.

Or back to oak trees in the spring
When you unloosed my hair and kissed
The head that lay against your knees
In the leaf shadow's amethyst.

And still another shining place
We would remember -- how the dun
Wild mountain held us on its crest
One diamond morning white with sun.

But I will turn my eyes from you
As women turn to put away
The jewels they have worn at night
And cannot wear in sober day


My soul lives in my body's house,
And you have both the house and her --
But sometimes she is less your own
Than a wild, gay adventurer; 

A restless and an eager wraith,
How can I tell what she will do --
Oh, I am sure of my body's faith,
But what if my soul broke faith with you? 


What do I owe to you            
Who loved me deep and long?
You never gave my spirit wings   
Nor gave my heart a song.   

But oh, to him I loved,            
Who loved me not at all,
I owe the little open gate
That led through heaven’s wall.

I Have Loved Hours at Sea

I have loved hours at sea, gray cities,
The fragile secret of a flower,
Music, the making of a poem
That gave me heaven for an hour;

First stars above a snowy hill,
Voices of people kindly and wise,
And the great look of love, long hidden,
Found at last in meeting eyes.

I have loved much and been loved deeply —
Oh when my spirit's fire burns low,
Leave me the darkness and the stillness,
I shall be tired and glad to go. 

Learn more about Sara here.

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