
Friday, January 25, 2013

bucket list from my 13 year old self

I was organizing my dresser a few days ago and I came across my "diary" (for lack of a better word) from when I was younger.  It's mostly just a collection of quotes, favourite things, and information I found interesting, and some story ideas, but I also wrote myself a "bucket list" of things to do in order to have a successful life.

Apparently my 13 year old self was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to stay on track, and thought I could use a little extra help.

Here is the list:

1. Learn to play one song on the guitar
2. See a line brawl
3. Own a library card
4. Read every V.C. Andrews book
5. Buy a Shakira CD
6. Discover the perfect kiss
7. Own a wooden salad bowl
8. Go skinnydipping
9. Eat a whole meal with nothing but chocolate
10. Wakeboard
11. Talk on the phone in the tub
12.Knit something
13. Marry someone I love
14.See the Riders win the grey cup
15. Paint my bedroom lavender
16. Have a strapless dress
17. Bungee jump
18. Get something pierced
19. Try to do something nice for someone everyday
20. Have perfect abs
21. Have a picnic
22. Write a book
23. Surf
24. Skate in Rockefeller Center
25. Be addicted to something
26. Break up with someone
27. Have twin girls
28. Dance in the rain
29. Do a triathlon
30. Go to Australia
31. Make an article of clothing and wear it in public
32. Drink champagne in the bathtub
33. Meet Julia Roberts
34. Skydive
35. Get roses every Valentine's day
36. Stop making bad decisions
37. Be beautiful
38. Be smart
39. Go to an art museum in France
40. Figure out how to order a complicated coffee at Starbucks without sounding like an idiot
41. Hear a song by PJ Harvey
42. Go to the ballet
43. Own a cappucino machine
44. Burn a CD
45. Buy something a Pier 1
46. Own a little black dress
47. Be a bridesmaid
48. Spit off the Eiffel Tower
49. Fan myself with a large amount of money
50. Eat Creme Brulee
51. Go to a concert
52. Have a bead curtain
53. Learn to read tea leaves
54. Hold a monkey
55. Have a huge library
56. Own a purse and not lose it
57. Go deep sea diving
58. Own an old fashioned hat box
59. See a movie with Marilyn Monroe in it
60. Watch the Lord of the Rings movies simultaneously
61. Improve my vocabulary
62. Do yoga
63. Learn Spanish
64. Have my book published
65. Live in a foreign country
66. Own entire series of Sex and the City on DVD
67. Plant wildflowers
68. Read Jane Eyre
69. Go to Versailles
70. Learn to salsa dance
71. Be a good cook
72. Go to Brazil
73. Go to a belly dancing class
74. Go to Tahiti
75. Graduate from Universtiy
76. Get my Master's Degree
77. Run a marathon
78. Go to Greece
79. Go to Europe
80. Get published in a magazine
81. Get a tattoo
82. Buy a real camera and learn how to use it
83. Work on a Hollywood movie set
84. Drink a martini

So that's it, the road map laid out for my life by yours truly. While I take issue with some of them now (I don't really know that I want twin girls!) 56 out of 84 isn't too bad.

I may not ever have perfect abs, but I've definitely discovered the perfect kiss. I still have a bit of work to do, I'm not really sure how to go about meeting Julia Roberts, but maybe if I get to work on a Hollywood movie set, I can kill 2 birds with one stone. All in all, I think my 13 year old self would approve.

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