
Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year. We got back from Mexico late the night before, so ours was pretty low key. They say you should spend New Years Eve the way you want to spend the rest of the year, and cuddled up with the boy, Don Draper, and some champagne and chocolate covered strawberries definitely set a good tone for 2013.

I don't necessarily believe that you need to make new years resolutions, I think you should always be trying to improve yourself, and try new things and learn new skills, and if you have a goal you would like to accomplish, why not start working on it immediately, instead of waiting for the new year to be your most fabulous, glamourous self?

That being said, there are a few things that I am trying to do right now, so I thought I would write them down, then I can revisit in a few months and see how I'm doing.
Things I would like to accomplish this year:
1. Eat more adventurously. We usually try to eat pretty healthy, and sometimes that can turn into grilled chicken, veggies and whole grain rice for supper several nights in a row. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not eat fish, I never have (Fish are Friends, not Food), I believe it may be as a direct result of my childhood obsession with the Little Mermaid (I was the kid brushing my hair with a fork at the restaurant) but as a friend pointed out to me, this is clearly ridiculous.

"You eat chicken and beef and ham, but you won't eat fish? Fish don't even have eyelids!" Who can argue with that kind of logic? So I would like to be a bit more open to experimentation, maybe try some new, healthy foods, and possibly even incorporate fish into my diet on a regular basis.
2. Work on my Spanish. I took Spanish in University, and I've always thought it was such a beatiful language. I would love to be fluent, and this recent trip to Mexico has really re-ignited my passion for it, so I would like to find a way to practice more, and get better. And also learn to make pico de gallo because I believe the two skills may be inextricably intertwined.
3. Take a class. For the last few months I've been looking into writing classes, photography classes, even cake decorating classes (I wish there was a class that combined all three!). I've been planning to sign up for one, but it's a bit tricksy with my schedule. However, I don't think taking one class in the next 363 days is an impossibly lofty goal.
Things that I absolutely will do this year:
1. The Avon Breast Cancer Walk in San Francisco. I wanted to sign up last year, but I didn't learn about it until the end of May, and the walk was in July, I wasn't sure if there would be enough time to fundraise. But this is happening this year, and I'm so excited for it.

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