
Friday, October 25, 2013


For Thanksgiving last week I made homemade perogies. I like to pretend it's to share my culture with other people but mostly I just love perogies. They are kind of a pain to make from scratch and I can't find anywhere to buy them here so I don't make them very often, but when I do, they are glorious.

I used this recipe.
plus this
plus four pounds of cheese= this
plus a rolling pin and a drinking glass
equals these delicious morsels, plus carpal tunnel syndrome from working the dough and rolling it out
finished product and also proof that there is beauty in the world. Let's be honest, I was too busy eating these to take a decent picture.
Luckily I made way too much bacon and had about a pound left over to nibble on to give me sustenance through this arduous task. Once the perogies are done, I boil them in hot water until they float, then saute them with butter and onions until they are brown.

Serve with sour cream and mushroom soup sauce (canned mushroom soup + water +microwave) and you can even add ranch if you are throwing all sense of caloric decency to the wind. My dad says if you eat too many perogies you will start to look like one. Which is probably true. But there are worse things you could look like, am I wrong?

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