
Monday, June 3, 2013


Here are a few things that are making me happy right now:

He actually lives in San Francisco, and it's really through sheer force of will that I haven't stalked out his address and crept around in front of his house, but it's likely I won't be able to hold out forever.

We almost always ate lunch at home when I was in elementary school, and my mom wouldn't buy us any "junk food" for after school snacks, but every once in awhile she would break down and let us have dunkaroos. It was a dark day when they stopped making them, but yesterday I found this. I will be most likely be clearing my schedule this week in favour of eating mass quantities and then passing out in a sugar coma.

The best co-pilot a girl ever had. Cherries are my most favourite

I'm reading Women by Charles Bukowski, it's definitely not for everyone but I'd been hearing about him for so long that I decided to check it out. The book has a lot of graphic language and it kind of feels like he's trying to be shocking, but here are some lines that I liked:

"Glendoline presumed that the reader was as fascinated by her life as she was - which was a deadly mistake. The other deadly mistakes she had made were too numerous to mention."

"Few beautiful women were willing to indicate in public that they belonged to someone. I had known enough women to realize this. I accepted them for what they were, and love came hard and very seldom."

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