
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

fire with fire

I saw this the other day, and I had to share it. This doctor used a genetically mutated form of the HIV virus to attack the cancer cells of a little girl who was on the brink of dying from her disease, and it worked.

She is in remission, and living the life of a normal, happy kid, thanks to this bold and exciting new treatment.

Fire With Fire | Ross Kauffman from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A few weekends ago a group of us went wine tasting for one of my friends' birthdays. It was a beautiful day, and we had lots of fun. We went in Livermore, to 3 different wineries, and I discovered that at a lot of the smaller vineyards, the people that work in the tasting rooms are volunteers, and they get paid in wine.

So I've definitely found my future career path. Out of all the wineries we went to, 3 Steve's in Livermore was my favourite, it was across the courtyard from Tap 25, which had beer tasting for the boys, and the owners were very friendly and knowledgeable. They kept refilling our glasses and chatting with us long after our tasting was over.

Possibly as a direct result of this, I decided it would be a good idea to do beer tasting next door. I really don't like beer, so in a cruel twist of fate, all of the beers I picked to try were sold out, so they would give me an extra beer to make it up to me, and I ended up with 8 or 9 glasses of beer to drink, and I didn't like any of them so I had to keep foisting them off on some unsuspecting gents at the end of the bar.

It was a super fun day, and I'd like to go again immediately, and also every day thereafter.

basically an engagement photo of us two

this is Bill, he is from Kansas, and he helped me pick out all of my (gross) beers

birthday girl

jack skellington
the winemaker's sister was an incredibly talented painter
just a few of the beer I had to drink, not delicious          

Monday, June 24, 2013

may I quote you on that?

Quotes, or things that I've heard recently that are lovely and stuck in my head:

I don't know what has shocked me more, that you are gone, that I am still here, that there is music after the end. 
-David Baker

Now every girl is expected to have Caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, a Jamaican dance hall ass, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, the hips of a nine-year-old boy, the arms of Michelle Obama, and doll tits.
-Tina Fey

I drink champagne on two occasions - when I'm in love, and when I'm not. 
-Coco Chanel

I woke up half wrapped in a bed sheet. I didn't come. I can't stop thinking about his hands, his hands. The way his hair felt. The smell of the skin on his back in summer. 
-Belle du Jour

Alice came to a fork in the road. 'Which road do I take?' she asked.
'Where do you want to go?' responded the Cheshire Cat.
'I don't know,' Alice answered.
'Then,' said the Cat, 'it doesn't matter.”
- Lewis Carroll

Friday, June 21, 2013


Today is the longest day of the  year, and the official first day of summer. Even though I live in California, and it doesn't get that cold here in the winter, there is just something about summer.

It goes by so fast though, before you know it it'll be September, so I plan to cram as much fun as possible into every moment of it, and I hope you do the same.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

shake your ta-tas

A few days ago in San Francisco there was a protest in front of the Union Street Victoria's Secret store. Women of all shapes and sizes showed up in their bras and undies with signs to protest the lack of body diversity displayed by the store, and by other retailers as well.

I think it's pretty awesome that these people were brave enough to show up and stand up for what they believe in, and to do it in such a fun and bold way.

It's not just the lack of body diversity shown by the models that's a problem at Victoria's Secret. I worked there for a few months (I was a bra specialist, NBD) and I always thought it was very strange that a company claims to be "all about bras", that they don't carry a more diverse range of sizes. I was constantly having to turn people away that were willing to come in there and spend $50 to $100 on one bra, because we didn't carry their size.

And these were not all very large women either, as bra specialists, we were required to try on all the bras that come in so we could be familiar enough with them to sell them, and most of the bras that they sell didn't fit me either.

Victoria's Secret has an opportunity to be a really strong advocate for all women, to make them feel beautiful and sexy, and also to tap into a whole new market for their products, women who are constantly searching for beautiful, comfortable bras that fit properly, and they are really missing the boat.

Full story here.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Things that are making me happy right now:

The Feminist Taylor Swift Twitter account. Check it out, seriously.

After my visit to the La Brea Tar Pits a few weeks ago, I rewatched My Girl 2. This song gets me, every. single. time. Sob.

This recipe for Lasagna Timpano from The Food in my Beard Blog. I didn't know foods like this actually existed, but it makes me so happy to know that this bold innovator is out there coming up with cheesy, fantastic ways for me to not fit into my jeans anymore.

And this, because let's be honest, I have an awkwardly persistent crush on Lana Del Ray, and it's not going anywhere.

Monday, June 17, 2013


We went on our first trip with my sister and her husband a few weekends ago, we were only in Vegas for a couple of nights but we had so much fun. I hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving so it was great to catch up, and hang out, just the four of us.

We didn't win any money, but we did some shopping, dancing, lots of drinking, and ate at some really cool restaurants. I even tried calamari (it's gross) and encountered a magical chocolate fountain (it was amazing).

Vegas has always been one of my favourite places, when I was little I always more excited to go to Vegas than Disneyland, I just loved the lights and the environment and the showgirl costumes. Now, with our family so spread out, Vegas is kind of a central place for us all to meet up and be together, so it will always have a special place in my heart, no matter how much of my money it steals.

I am obsessed with mermaids. I will never grow out of this.

the mermaid tank at the Silverton

Siegfriend and Roy's secret garden


hogs and heifers

thousands of dollars worth of bras. seriously.


old school slot machines that give you actual coins, soooo much better. except his hands were black from touching all the nickels

this guy had actual magical powers. sooo talented

i wanted to try every single one of these


supper at lakeside, amazing food