
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

adventures with my parents

My parents came in to visit us for a couple of days last week, and it was really fun showing them around. I tend to try to pack as many things as possible into when they visit, I figure if they have lots of fun they are more likely to come back and visit sooner, right?

It was my dad's birthday so my mom got us all tickets to the Sharks game (they lost, damn you Burns) and then we went to Capitola and tried almost every margarita on the boardwalk. We had supper at a really great restaurant in Aptos called Cafe Rio, I highly recommend it. I don't even eat seafood, but I ordered salmon (since I'm trying to be more adventurous) and it was A.MAZ.ING.

After that we went wine tasting, had lunch at BJ's and did some beer tasting, and then did some sight seeing before we went to a little town called Port Costa and went to The Warehouse Cafe, which is now definitely top 5 for my favourite bars in the world, and is certainly my favourite bar in California.

It's a very eclectic mix of people and decor, they have a life sized polar bear, a bartender named Gina who is a crazy Italian in the most endearing way possible, and beers from over 450 different countries, and they ONLY serve doubles. All of this located right on the bay, in a run down old shipping warehouse that you can wander around in for ages and continue to find something cool around every corner. As my Dad said, "It's like a place from a different time."

We finished up with supper at Texas Roadhouse and then went home to eat the banana cream pie I made for my dad's birthday cake. It was a really wonderful couple of days, and I can't wait until they come back again. Sadly, my phone broke right before they got there, so I didn't get to take as many pictures as I would have liked, but I did get a few.


love them

I don't know if I could drink all of that, but I would like the opportunity to try
derek's new buddy

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