
Thursday, February 7, 2013

you are my best three years

Three years ago today I watched a boy walking across the room towards me with the warmest smile and the biggest brown eyes I'd ever seen. Now, I'm lucky enough to wake up beside him every day.

Thank you for making me smile when I would rather be sad, for letting me put my cold toes on you sometimes, and for taking the empty toothpaste and leaving the full one for me.

Thank you for always supporting me in anything I choose to do, no matter how silly or crazy it may seem. Whether it be starting a blog, deciding to run a marathon, or trying to pack us up and move us to Australia, knowing your answer will always be some version of "let's do it" makes it so much easier for me to try for all the things I want to do, and I hope I can always support you the same way.

The last year and a half, especially has been pretty tumultuous, and through all of it you have been unfailingly hopeful, positive, and a constant source of strength for me, even with everything else you had going on. I'm so proud of all you have accomplished, and I know there are lots of good things ahead for you, and for us, together.

Thank you for the last 3 years, here is to at least 3 more. errrrrr, kidding! I love you madly, xx.

Probably my favourite picture, ever.

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