
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

book worm

I'm a huge book nerd, I love to read, always have. When I was younger and got in to trouble, I would get grounded from my books, because usually that was a worse punishment for me than not being able to watch TV, or go out.

The library is my happy place, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed, or lonely, or sad, or grouchy, or if I just want to be someplace familiar I go to the library. The great thing about libraries is that once you feel comfortable in a library, you feel comfortable in ANY library because, basically, they are all the same. You can walk in to almost any one and find your old friends Anne Shirley, Katniss Everdeen and Scout Finch just waiting for you to pick them up again.

I will literally read anything, mystery, history, biography, self-help, chick-lit, the classics. Every once in awhile you can find me curled up in the YA corner, checking back in with The Baby-Sitters Club. When life gets crazy, nothing will make take you back to being 13 again faster than the books you loved at the time.

I'm always looking for new books, the feeling you get when you find a random book in the library, bookstore, or flea market and it turns out to be one of the best books you've ever read, that has to be one of my absolute favourite feelings. So here are just a few books that I love, in case you are looking for a new book yourself.

A Northern Light- Jennifer Donnelly: one of my favourites

Firstborn- Doris Mortman: This novel was written in the 1980's, it's sort of a trashy beach read, but I loved every second of it, there are several main characters that take you from Hollywood Glamour, the fashion industry, a multi-billion dollar hotel empire, and everywhere in between. It has murder, jealousy, seduction, intrigue, a little bit of everything. It's delicious.

White Oleander- Janet Fitch: you've probably read this, but if not, definitely check it out

Wonderul Tonight- Pattie Boyd: This book is really neat, Pattie Boyd was married to George Harrison of the Beatles, and also Eric Clapton and she was a model in London in the 60's, so it's kind of neat to read all about that era.

Belle de Jour- Diary of an Unlikely Call Girl: This is a collection of blog posts written by a London call girl, there is lots of sex in it (obviously) but it's also really smart. This is probably one of my favourites, I tend to re-read it when I'm in between books

Marisa De Los Santos: Love Walked in and Belong to Me: I recently discovered her books, they are maybe a little chick lit-ish but they are really well written and almost poetic sometimes, I really enjoyed both of these.

I just finished reading Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn, it's a best seller so you may have already read it. I liked it because it was different than anything I'd read lately, and the writing was really smart and insightful.

I also just finished all of the Game of Thrones books, I really liked them, especially the first 3. Even if "fantasy" isn't really your thing, it's still really amazing when you are reading it to think of one guy writing the book from all of those perspectives (like 30 different characters) simultaneously and being that detailed.

I also love to read historical fiction (I've had a very long running obsession with Anne Boleyn), Phillippa Gregory is one of my favourite authors, all of her books are pretty great but I really liked The Queen's Fool. She does an excellent job of using historical characters and events, and filling in the blanks to round out the full story, and she will often write several books on the same event, showing it from different view points so you can see how everything happened for all of the people that were involved, instead of just a one-sided view.

And I haven't read this yet but it's going to be my next book I saw it at the airport last week- If I stay by Gayle Forman. I thought it looked good, kind of The Lovely Bones-ish, I'll let you know how I like it.

If you are looking for some classics to check out, I found this list on Pinterest last week, all of the books that Rory Gilmore read or mentioned during the entire series of The Gilmore Girls, one of my favourite shows when I was younger.

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