
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Things that are making me happy right now:

This recipe for chocolate cheesecake that I am going to make for our company Thanksgiving potluck. I bought a spring-form pan to make Pumpkin Cheesecake for Canadian Thanksgiving this year, and ever since then I've been wanting to make a new cheesecake recipe every week, and then eat the whole thing myself. I feel very accomplished when I pull out my spring-form pan, they only let you buy one if you are a professional chef. Probably. All I need now is a set of ramekins and I can basically open my own restaurant.

This Rose Gold Michael Kors watch I've been wanting for a few months now. It is soooo gorgeous but I always feel guilty spending so much money on an item for myself, because there are starving children in the world, still a girl can dream. Maybe if I am a good Santa will put it in my stocking?

The fact that there are only 9 more days until I get to go back to Canada to see all of my family and friends. So far on the agenda: perogies, a Grey Cup party, hockey games,  a bachelorette party for one of my oldest friends, and massive amounts of cuddling with my niece and nephew.

The best part is, that one guy is finally going to get to see where I'm from, which is probably slightly overdue given that we've been together 3 years and are already married. He is from California, and had 1200 people in his graduating class alone, but I'm from a very tiny place, I only had 36 people in my grad class and that was considered a lot. It's going to be lots of fun to show him my lovely little town.

And this picture, that I found on Pinterest with no link and no attribution. It looks like it was just painted on a wall somewhere, but I'd love to have it on canvas for my house.

Love Sick

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