
Friday, November 23, 2012


There are very few things that I love as much as I love cheesecake. It is one of the most solid and lasting relationships of my life. A friend once said to me "If you ever meet a guy that you like as much as you like the Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory, you better marry him immediately".

Well I actually was lucky enough to meet someone I like just as much as that cheesecake, and I did marry him immediately. You can't force somebody to love you, but you can stalk them until they panic and give in.

With the recent addition of a spring-form pan into my life, I've been planning to spend a great deal of my time baking and consuming different kinds of cheesecake, although I've demonstrated amazing self control thus far, when the time came to make something for our Thanksgiving potluck it took me about .3 seconds to decide to make chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

I found this recipe online and decided to give it a try. Unfortunately I do not have a double boiler, and decided that melting the chocolate chip in the microwave would work just as well.

It didn't. I burnt the chocolate chips, and when I took them out of the microwave and set them on the counter, the bowl basically exploded, oozing burnt chocolate all over my counter top and leaving a bowl shaped scorch mark on the counter-top. Luckily my husband has not noticed it yet.

Having been myself for 25 years now, and knowing the kinds of things that tend to happen to me, I had anticipated just such an occurrence, and bought double the chocolate chips I would need, so the cake did make it in the oven after all.

Once the cake was cooled, I topped it with chocolate ganache and raspberries, and it was really delicious. As one of my co-workers said "I've never been to Heaven, but I have had Jasmine's chocolate raspberry cheesecake."

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