
Sunday, November 18, 2012

i'm leafing..

I found this leaf while I was out for my run this morning and it filled me with a burst of patriotism as I sweated and wheezed my way up the big hill by my house. I am so excited for this week, on Wednesday I leave for home, I get to go back to Canada for 5 days to see my friends and family, and hopefully do some frolicking in the snow.

I don't get to go home very often and when I do there are always so many people I want to see and so many things that I want to do that it never seems long enough. Even though it can be a little rushed and frantic, and I constantly feel like I am disappointing someone because I have to pick and choose and I can't do everything and see everyone, I always have so much fun, and I always leave feeling happier, and more like myself than I do anywhere else.

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