
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

free fallin'

This weekend was perfect. I thought about buying a lottery ticket on Sunday because I felt so lucky, and I felt sure that anything I might endeavor to try this weekend was destined to succeed. I got home from work early on Friday and cleaned the whole house, made quesadillas for supper, and watched The Five Year Engagement, which was actually really funny, and has re-awakened my hunger for hunting down every food truck in San Francisco.

I woke up Saturday morning to a spotless house, and instead of opting for my usual by-myself "healthy" Saturday morning breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast, I made myself two decadent slices of french toast with syrup and powdered sugar, and ate them with a big bowl of raspberries and tons of coffee, it was heaven. Even though it was the first weekend in November, it was a balmy 80 degrees outside.

After breakfast I sorted though some of our wedding photos, then ventured out to the East Bay Free Book Exchange (yes, all of the books are really free!) and spent about an hour browsing the shelves.

I found some classics, (To Kill a Mockingbird, The Sun Also Rises), and some trashy beach novels, and also a book about digital photography, which I'm very interested in, and one about learning Spanish, which has been a goal of mine for years. I took classes in university, but not enough to be fluent. I bought the book as a refresher course for our trip to Ixtapa next month, even though I have a sneaking suspicion that "tequila" is the same in every language.

On the way home I stopped in at Michael's to stock up in supplies and creativity, and I'm very excited about some of my upcoming projects (also known as "covering things in glitter") probably due to my recent success in the Halloween costume department.

I was supposed to meet that one guy in the city for the Ski and Snowboard expo, so I went in a few hours early, and roamed around in the sunshine on Haight street, popping in to check out all of the neat vintage clothing stores. I bought my sister a birthday present, and myself some cookies from the Haight St Market, I don't know what they put in them, but as I've been compelled on more than one occasion to walk from my office on 2nd all the way to Haight-Ashbury just to get one, so it's definitely laced with something.

On the way to the expo we stopped by the Full House house, as a true '90's kid I had no choice but to document the experience.

The Painted Ladies, you can see these houses in the opening credits of Full House
After the expo we went out for Mexican and margaritas. Perfect Saturday.
Sunday was equally as idyllic, I even got started on my Christmas shopping. I was driving down the highway on the way to the mall with the windows down, wind blowing in my hair on the most beautiful day of the year, and then "Free Fallin' by Tom Petty came on the radio. I was basically Tom Cruise, but taller and with less Scientology.

I got a pretty decent start on presents for my nearest and dearest, and as a reward for being so selfless, I bought myself this lovely t-shirt.

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