
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

at first sight

I heard from an old friend last night, and it was so nice. It's easy to get busy with work and other things and not make as much effort to keep in touch, and before you know it, it's been months or years since you've talked.

There are a lot of friends like that that I've made over the years, and then slowly, even though you still care about them and miss them, it gets harder and harder to keep in contact, as you know less and less about each other's lives and actually getting on the phone and talking only makes that more obvious, and you start to doubt your friendship, and wonder if the other person even cares to hear from you anymore.

But then there are those people that you just click with, instantly. I don't believe people only have one soul mate, and I don't think that if you do have one, it necessarily needs to be romantic. There are just people in life that I have clicked with, sometimes honestly at first sight, and we've been friends ever since. And we'll be friends forever because even if I never spoke to them again in my life, I know we'd still feel exactly the same way about each other.

Those are the kinds of friends that even if you don't know the name of their dog, or even their address, you could see them after 10 years of not talking and pick up exactly where you left off, and those are the kinds of friends I am lucky enough to have.

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