
Friday, July 19, 2013


Here are a few things that are making me happy right now:

Surfing videos are one of my favourite things ever. I love watching the waves, and seeing someone gliding gracefully along one just relaxes me, instantly. Some of the best nights of sleep I've ever had are where I'm in a really air conditioned, dark room, with tons of covers, watching muted surf videos as I fall asleep. Try it, I promise you'll sleep like a baby.

Fiji Vignette 3/3 from Taj Burrow on Vimeo.

These nail polish strips from Essie. I saw them and wanted them immediately and then I left them sitting in my bathroom cabinet for two months because they seemed very tricksy to apply. A few weeks ago I had some extra free time (thanks BART strike) and tried them out.

They were actually not hard to apply at all, and they lasted a week before they starting chipping, I added a top coat as well. It's like having tiny little love letters on your nails.

And some calla lillies I picked up at the farmer's market. Treat yo self.
I'm re-reading the Virgin Suicides. Love this:

"The rest of her face-the pulpy lips, the blonde sideburn fuzz, the nose with its candy-pink translucent nostrils- registered dimly as the two blue eyes lifted him on a sea wave and held him suspended. 'She was the still point of the turning world' he told us, quoting Eliot, whose Collected Poems he had found on the shelf of the detoxification center.

For the eternity that Lux Lisbon looked at him, Trip Fontaine looked back, and the love he felt at that moment, truer than all the subsequent loves because it never had to survive real life, still plagued him even now in the desert, with his looks and health wasted."

I read somewhere that the best love affairs are the ones we never have, because the other person will always be perfect to us, never diminished or found to be flawed. This excerpt from the Virgin Suicides really reiterates that to me.

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