
Monday, December 16, 2013


I love the Holidays for tons of reasons, one of the main ones is holiday parties. They do tend to stack up though, this last weekend I had 3, starting with my work Christmas party on Thursday night. They rented out a nightclub, Temple, and we partied and danced until the wee hours, followed by an obligatory 2 a.m. trip to In and Out.

Friday I had to work, it was a rough morning but they brought in McDonald's breakfast and Bloody Mary's to get everyone motivated.

I brought in my own bottle of pickle juice, I like to plan ahead.

Derek's work party was that night so I left work early, changed in the car and went for dinner and drinks at Rickey's in Novato. I did pretty well off the start, I had a few martini's to perk me up, but by the end of the night I was fading fast.

Saturday night we had a White Elephant party with friends, it was a bit more low key, but still lots of fun. I have three more parties this week, Friday is my last day of work, and then we're off to Mexico next Wednesday.

It's great to spend so much time with friends and always have something fun to look forward to, I kind of wish it was Christmas all the time, but at this rate I'm not sure I'd survive it.

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