
Thursday, December 19, 2013

i've seen Christmas lights, reflect in your eyes

We heard about a house in Pleasanton that was crazy decorated for Christmas, so we went to check it out. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.

There were over 500,000 lights, it was madness. They had a mini-golf course set up, and Santa's workshop in the garage where kids could come to get their pictures taken.

I should have set up a hot chocolate stand in front, I would have made a killing. It's great that people are so into the holidays, the electricity usage made me a bit nervous though, but the kids were loving it.

A lot of their neighbours had joined in and decorated every house on the cul de sac, except for one house that was completely decorationless. I felt a bit bad for them, it must be kind of annoying have thousands of people driving by and parking and hanging around your house for a full month, and their complete lack of decorations might have been their way of protesting.

Or maybe they just don't celebrate Christmas.

It helped get me in the mood for the holidays though, I've been skating, and drank egg nog and been to tons of Christmas parties, but it never really feels like Christmas without snow to play in.

This was clearly my favourite one. "You guyth, it'th jutht lemon".

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