
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

moulin rouge

One of the things I did on my jam-packed weekend in Bend a few months ago was check out some of the cute little antique shops that are scattered around. There is something about finding an item that you love, and knowing that it has had a whole other history that you'll never know about before you found it that's really neat.

When I was creeping through the old hardcover books and magazines at the back of one store, I found this magazine, A Night at the Moulin Rouge, published in 1939. It has pictures and descriptions of all of the different performing acts, and lots of beautiful women.

I bought it right away, but I haven't decided what to do with it. I wanted to frame it and hang it on the wall, but the photo spreads inside are wonderful so it would be a shame to only have the cover on display, but it's also pretty old so I wouldn't want to just leave it laying around without protecting it somehow.

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