
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

hocus pocus

Since I flat out refuse to watch scary movies ever since the time I was dragged into the midnight showing of Hostel and found myself sitting with a stranger's jacket over my head crying for two straight hours, I've had to make my own Halloween traditions. 

Halloween is not complete for me until I've dressed in a ridiculous costume, carved my pumpkin, watched Hocus Pocus, made molasses cookies and OD'd on Reece's Peanut Butter Cups and Kit Kats to the point of sugar coma or vomiting.

I was able to knock out the first one on Saturday, and the second and third last night. After spending much of the day on the internet searching for a legendary pumpkin design idea that would proclaim me uncontested winner of our annual carving contest, I managed to once again turn out a pumpkin that looks exactly the same as my pumpkin from the year before, and also the year before that.

Can you
guess which
pumpkin is

As Halloween is tomorrow, I had to make these cookies tonight while simultaneously dying my hair, cooking supper and doing laundry, and without my rolling pin which has inexplicably disappeared, which will nicely free my day up tomorrow for mainlining chocolate like the unapologetic addict that I am.

Happy Halloween!

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