
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

ruby woo

I've had my eye on some MAC Ruby Woo for quite awhile now. I have a weird obsession with red lipstick, even though I usually buy it and only wear it once because I don't like the way it looks on me, or it feels weird on, or something.

This colour is pretty much the perfect pin-up red so even though it was kind of expensive, after creep Googling it in the middle of the night for a few months, I decided to go for it. I also bought lip liner, which is apparently non-negotiable (who knew?) and really like the result.

It's definitely red, it's kind of like being kicked in the face by the colour, but hopefully in a good way. I also really like the way it feels on, usually when I wear lipstick I spend the whole day licking my teeth to make sure I don't have any on there, or just keeping my mouth awkwardly still and try not to talk because it feels not so much like a mouth anymore and more like a decoration.

But this one actually doesn't make my mouth feel weird, and so far hasn't ended up on my teeth even once. Not to say that it has amazing staying power, I bought it on a ladies shopping trip, and then we went for drinks and split a massive plate of fries, and I probably thought I looked cute, but one trip to the washroom shut that down pretty quickly.

The colour had disappeared from everywhere expect the very outside of my lips and I looked full crazy, and possibly like a vampire. But you need to re-apply  your lipstick after eating, that's just what life is like, no matter how many 24-hour lip-stains promise you otherwise. Everybody's got problems.

I started working on this painting a few weeks ago. It's a self portrait. Clearly.
Also, I almost neverrrrr take selfies, some people can do it and do it well, but I do not have those skills. I try everyone once in awhile just to make sure they are still really bad, but generally flipping through the gallery of resulting failures is so disheartening I can feel the will to live ebbing away.

When I got my lipstick, I had also just gotten my hair done, and was trying to send a picture to my husband. My phone sometimes makes weird .gif images if I take several similar pictures in a row, and this was the result. It makes me laugh so I decided to post it. Be kind.

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